Dr. Amos Nungu

2rd Vice Chair

2rd Vice Chair

Dr. Amos Nungu

National Commission for Science and Technology, Lingadzi House,P.B B303, Lilongwe 3, Malawi

Cell :

+234 8065 891 643

+234 8065 891 643

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PROFESSOR Amos Muhunda Nungu

Amos Muhunda Nungu is the Director General of Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology – COSTECH (https://www.costech.or.tz/) since March 2018. COSTECH is a parastatal organization responsible for promotion and coordination of Science, Technology and Innovation in Tanzania. He holds a PhD and MSc. degrees in Information Technology (Communication Systems) from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) - Sweden; and a BSc. in Computer Science from University of Dar Es Salaam - Tanzania. 
Some of the achievements at COSTECH include overseeing the establishment of national guidelines and frameworks such as: the Guidelines to Identify and Promote Inventions, Innovations and Traditional Knowledge Practices (2018) leading into the National Competition for Science, Technology and Innovation; Review of Research and Innovation Grant Manual; Establish the National Postdoctoral Framework; Establish the National Research Chair Framework; and Establish the National Research Integrity Framework.

Prior to joining the COSTECH, Nungu worked as an Assistant Director (Directorate of Science, Technology and Innovation) at the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. Before joining the Ministry, he worked at Dar Es Salaam Institute of Technology – DIT (https://dit.ac.tz/) where he rose to a rank of Senior Lecturer. While at DIT, he initiated, managed and participated in many projects, including those under the European Union (FP7 & H2020), the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD). Some of the initiatives initiated or facilitated while at DIT includes: purchase of Optic Fibre equipment and the establishment of Communication Systems Technology (CST) course; design curriculum and establishment of a Masters course in Computational Science and Engineering - with scholarships; Connecting regional hospitals to provide telemedicine services.

Amos Nungu worked on voluntary bases at the Tanzania Education and Research Network (TERNET) between 2007 and 2017. As the CEO of TERNET, his achievements include: 
Increasing the number of staffs from 2 (and volunteers) to more that 15, full time and interns; working closely with the government (COSTECH) to provide connectivity to higher learning institutions; Introducing many online services, such as Education Roaming (EduRoam) and Repository through the e-infrastructure for Africa (FP7) project. While at TERNET, Nungu worked closely with UbuntuNet Alliance (https://ubuntunet.net/) and WACREN (https://wacren.net/en/) – the regional Research and Education Networking organizations for Eastern and Southern Africa, and West and Central Africa, respectively.

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