Prof. Vincent P.K Titanji

3rd Vice Chair

3rd Vice Chair

Prof. Vincent P.K Titanji

National Commission for Science and Technology, Lingadzi House,P.B B303, Lilongwe 3, Malawi

Cell :

+234 8065 891 643

+234 8065 891 643

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PhD (Uppsala); C.Biol, FIBiol (London); FCAS (Cameroon); 
FAAS (Nairobi); FTWAS (Trieste) 
Professor Vincent P.K. Titanji, the current 3rd Vice Chair of the African Union’s Scientific Research and Innovation Council (ASRIC-AU) is a Biologist-Biochemist and Honorary Dean at the Faculty of Science, University of Buea; Formerly, he served as the Vice-Chancellor & CEO of the Cameroon Christian University Institute (2015- 2020); Vice President of the African Academy of Sciences for the Central African Region (2014-2020) ;TWAS Visiting Professor of Biotechnology at Addis Ababa University (2015-2019); Rector/Vice-Chancellor (2006-2012) of the University of Buea (UB);Pioneer Dean (1993-1998) of UB Faculty of Science; Founding Coordinator/Director (1986-1997) of the Biotechnology Centre, Nkolbisson, at the University of Yaoundé 1,Cameroon; Founding Coordinator (1994-2012) of the Biotechnology Unit, University of Buea; President (2000-2009) of the Federation of African Societies of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry (FASBMB); Board Chair (2007-2010) of the Biosciences Eastern and Central African Network (Be CA); Board member of the International Council for Science Regional Office for Africa (ICSU –ROA 2005-2010) 
Professor Titanji is a Fellow of several prestigious science academies including 
The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS, 2004), the African Academy of Sciences 
(AAS, 2005) the Institute of Biology (London,1994) the Cameroon Academy of 
Sciences (CAS,1991/96) and the African Science Institute (ASI, 2020). 
His research interests include science curriculum development, scientific capacity 
building and application of Molecular Biology techniques to tropical diseases 
including malaria, onchocerciasis, tuberculosis, EBOLA, COVID-19. He is known 
for discovering a new set of vaccine candidates for malaria (UB05-09), several 
diagnostic tests for tropical diseases, and new drug leads from medicinal 
plants against malaria and river blindness. 
He is the founding Editor-in-Chief (since 2001) of the Journal of the Cameroon 
Academy of Sciences (JCAS). He has trained 25 PhD graduates, 60+ 
Master’s students, a dozen postdocs and published 138 papers in international, 
refereed journals. 
Professor Titanji has received several awards including: 
The International Society of Infectious diseases (ISID) Prize, New York award for 
The African W.H.O. region in 1992; 
The International Foundation for Science/Danish International Development Agency's 
Prize (IFS) DANIDA for noteworthy contributions to science in 1998 and the 
The Cameroon Knight of the Order of Valour in 2003 & 2010. 
Professor Titanji is married to Dr Beatrice Lebsia Kahboh Titanji nee Lima and 
they have children.  

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