Communication Committee

Communication Committee plays a strategic role in branding and building a positive image for the African Union ASRIC. The main objective is to develop a Communication Strategy to build/strengthen and sustain a continental research-policy nexus for ASRIC. The purpose is To share information, Disseminate, effectively use of information, targeting scientists, government officials, National Academies, National Research Councils, Beneficiaries-Local Communities and other, Private sector/ Investors, Sponsors, Development Partners, Stakeholders

The Communication Committee is divided into the four sub-committees; i) Scientific publications ; ii) Advocacy ; iii) Internal Communication ; and Outreach and Education; to which activities are assigned as follows:

I. Scientific Publications Sub-committee

  •   Journals
  •   Proceedings/ Conferences
  •   Scientific reports


II. Advocacy Sub-committee

  •   Enhance dialogue between scientific community and policy-makers on one hand and the community of media reporting on ASRIC on the other
  •   Popular mobilization
  •   Mindset change
  •   Success stories
  •   Policy briefs and engagement
  •   News releases
  •   Awareness creation


III. Internal Communication Sub-committee

  •   Meetings
  •   Review of internal operational committee policy
  •   Congress resolution
  •   Annual operational plan
  •   Minutes/Reports
  •   Activity Reports and Assessment
  •   Interface with other groups
  •   Website


IV. Outreach and Education Sub-committee

  •   Popularizing ASRIC, Science and Technology including supporting the creation and change of the African Science and Technology narrative.
  •   Social media handles
  •   Distance Learning, MOOCs
  •   Youth education
  •   Open days/Exhibitions
  •   ASRIC Digest
  •   Scientific culture
  •   Capacity building
  •   Implementing the ASRIC communication strategy