Resource Mobilization Committee

The manadate of this Committee is to mobilise financial and human resources to support research and STI programs in Africa in accordance with AU policy. ASRIC Committee on Resource Mobilisation will:

  •   Develop a high value African Science Technology and Innovation Fund and / or smaller multiple Funds.
  •   Develop a protocol to commit countries to reach a GERD target of 1% of GDP. This protocol, following AU General Assembly approval, would then be submitted to member states for ratification through due process via parliaments to ensure that the protocol is implementable and effectively implemented. This approach has apparently already been initiated for the East African Community and could potentially be scaled up to the whole continent.
  •   Create an ASRIC FUND to which various resources from various sources shall be directed to cater for ASRIC programs. The primary source of the ASRIC fund shall be and agreed percentage of the GERD resources. Explore the possibility, including within the protocol referred to above, that a percentage of the GERD resources (level to be determined) be made available to the ASRIC FUND by member states to support ASRIC approved activities e.g. projects, prizes, inclusion of women and youth in science. This means member states commit themselves by a protocol or charter to place and agreed percentage of the 1% of the GDP in ASRIC Fund and use the rest for national science agenda.
  •   Explore the possibility and negotiate with the AfDB an ASRIC and AfDB Fund for STI in Africa along the lines of the planned Education Fund under development by ADEA and the African Development Bank. In extremis, the negotiation could be for a Joint Fund (Education and STI Fund) with defined percentages for Education and STI (e.g. 70% for Education and 30% for STI). However, it would be best to have a separate deal for STI.
  •   Take note of World Bank financing of the Africa Centres of Excellence and other initiatives through Government loans and grants; Explore, with development banks, the possibility of increased financing of STISA-related activities on the continent through similar schemes as those of the World Bank.
  •   Seek funds to support identified, targeted and approved R&D programmes and projects, including flagship programmes, approved by ASRIC; these might include activities within the six priority areas of STISA or sector specific funding
  •   Identify potential donors e.g. development partners, not for profit philanthropic organisations, private companies and high worth individuals, to support ASRIC and related STISA activities.
  •   Explore with private sector investors, the potential to increase private sector investment in research, innovation and entrepreneurship across the continent, including as part of their Social Impact Responsibility.
  •   Ensure that research results are translated into use and effectively utilized in the national development process, through access to appropriate finance; for this there is need for a Department focused on innovation to be created by each member state; this implies finance for appropriate structures and institutions such as incubators, etc.
  •   Explore with private sector investors, the potential to increase private sector investment in research, innovation and entrepreneurship across the continent, including as part of their Social Impact Responsibility
  •   Ensure that research results are translated into use and effectively utilized in the national development process, through access to appropriate finance; for this there is need for a Department focused on innovation to be created by each member state; this implies finance for appropriate structures and institutions such as incubators, etc.
  •   Encourage National Governments to consider incentives, including tax incentives, to promote private sector R&D and associated innovation in various countries.
  •   Develop a Programme of activities that focuses on financing the development and mobilisation of human resources for STI across the continent e.g. a. Scholarship and Fellowship schemes, including for postgraduate and postdoctoral research programmes within the continent; including for women and mothers wishing to re-enter, or start, research careers; including for youth to develop business opportunities; etc. b. Intra-African Academic and Research Mobility and Academic and Student Exchange Programmes.
  •   Utilise C-10 Heads of State to advocate for STISA-related activities; Expand to further create ASRIC Ambassadors e.g. first ladies of Africa and sports icons to assist with resource mobilisation.
  •   Work with RECs and Countries to align resource mobilisation priorities with their STI strategies and needs; where possible, support their national and regional resource mobilisation strategies.
  •   Establish official links with national science structures to serve as focal point for ASRIC in each country; for example the ‘National Academy of Science’ or the ‘National Research Councils’ where they exist, or their equivalent, These institutions (not individuals) are by mutual agreement, to serve as liaison between ASRIC and various member countries of the AU to facilitate rapid action and interaction between ASRIC and Member countries of the AU.
  •   Establish with the broader ASRIC bureau, a web-based platform for networking and communication with the STI community across Africa; this will include information on funding opportunities for research and innovation and also provide information for potential donors and private sector investors.
  •   Reach out to African diaspora community for: a. Participation in STI project development and capacity building; b. Creation of a Diaspora Fund for STI in Africa; c. Facilitate delivery of in-kind resources e.g. equipment, etc. ; d. Facilitated interaction with national institutions and scientists e.g. through the National Academies of Science and / or National Research Councils.
  •   Reach out to ‘Friends of Africa’ (Not same as African Diaspora) for: a. Participation in STI project development and capacity building; b. Creation of a ‘Friends of Africa’ Fund for STI in Africa; c. Facilitate delivery of in-kind resources e.g. equipment; d. Facilitated interaction with national institutions and scientists e.g. through the National Academies of Science and / or National Research Councils
  •   Work with the broader ASRIC bureau, other AUC teams and partners requiring resources for approved ASRIC projects, and collaborate with them on timelines for financing.
  •   Develop messaging and presentations (in partnership with the broader ASRIC bureau) to support resource mobilisation: a. for specific resource mobilisation activities; b. by demonstrating the relevance of research and innovation to local communities, who are the consumers of research
  •   Establish a framework and process to monitor and evaluate all resources utilised as a result of ASRIC supported activities, in order to ensure transparency of use of resources and to develop the credibility of ASRIC.